Intertek Certifications / Test Reports

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What does the company Intertek do?

Centered around its laboratory testing services, the company provides quality and safety assurance to industries such as construction, healthcare, food and transport. Products tested include batteries, accessories, apparel and chemicals.


What is Intertek

As a leading global provider of quality and safety services for over 100 years, Intertek not only understands the struggles you endure, but also can identify the precise strategy and path you need to follow for total quality assurance throughout your entire supply chain.

What is the
Intertek certificate?

Formally confirming that your products and services meet all trusted external and internal standards. Certification proves your credibility to the market. To deliver that credibility, Intertek maintains extensive global accreditations and recognitions for our testing and certification services.

How long does ETL
certification take?

How long does it take to obtain LADBS-ETL approval for a product? Depending upon the labs backlog, it would take about 10 to 15 days for a lab application, and 15 to 20 days for a General Approval (Research Report) to be assigned. After assignment, it would generally take about one to two weeks to get a response.

Approved by a global leader in testing, inspection and certification.

Intertek Total Quality Assurance expertise, delivered consistently with precision, pace and passion, enabling our customers to power ahead safely.